Special Moments
2024 Bragging Right Teams
2024 Sunshine Challenge
TNBA President of the Year

First Coast USBC Hall of Fame Inductees
Congratulations to Patrick Barnett and David Laird, Jr. for being inducted into the First Coast USBC Hall of Fame.

TNBA Queen Competition
Let's congratulate Regina Ford for her dedication while raising money for the TNBA's queen competition. Although Regina did not win, she represented our Senate as an ambassador. We are proud to have had her as our representative.
"I want to thank everyone for their support, donations, and fundraising. Especially a big thank you to our Jacksonville Senate President, Deborah Caldwell and Jeanette Thomas. It was a great experience." ~ Regina.
2022 Southern Region Tournament
The Gator City Senate had one championship team in the Sunshine Challenge winning the Men's Classic division!!! Great job on a tough win!!!!

Senior Women’s Challenge Champions
Chalk up one for the veterans. During Florida Sunshine Challenge held in Orlando Florida. The team of Carolyn Lynn, four time sunshine challenge champion, Deborah E. Caldwell, three time challenge champion, Jackie Rhodes, two time challenge champion; Gloria Smith challenge veteran and Carmen Merced, challenge rookie; both will become champions and earned their stripes before the day was done. The Jacksonville senior women took on a game Orlando team, veterans themselves, confident and up for the challenge in the first round of competition. The contest was spirited with strong crowd support and plenty of trash talking. The Orlando crew bowled well but succumbs to the strong Jacksonville team during the latter frames earning them a win and second round bye. Reentering the tournament in the final round against their arch rival Miami, Jacksonville was ready to take the championship for the glory of the senate. Deborah E. Caldwell got the team going early and feed off of the energy finishing the match with a 260 plus game. The rest of the ladies rose to the occasion posting strong scores and beating their competitors by more than 300 pins. The senior women’s team took home the plaque and the honor of being the best of the best in Florida J

Men's Junior Division Team
A strong team the men came close to winning the title in the championship game but were bit late by an excellent Tampa Team. They represented the senate well and will be back next year to challenge again for the title they held just four years ago.

Women’s Junior Division Team
A proud group of very talented ladies the Jacksonville women’s junior team was a mixture of veterans and first time challenge competitors. Game and ready to compete they fell short in the first round to Tampa who went on to win the challenge. Jacksonville is proud of their game effort and look forward to you winning bragging rights next year J

Men’s Senior Division Team
Seasoned Veterans and consummate competitors the men’s senior team came to within a couple of pins of bringing home the trophy and bragging rights to Jacksonville. In the finals against Miami these evenly matched teams slugged it out all the way to the last man. KUDO’s to all our brave competitors, we’ll be bragging all the way home the next time we meet!